2020 /澳大利亚 /剧情
主演: 伊文·莱斯利 詹姆斯·克伦威尔 托尼·马丁 ShantaeBarnes-Cowan ShakaCook FrancesDjulibing 尼古拉斯·霍普 BenedictWall 杰西卡·德·古维 MatthewBacker 维多利亚·哈拉拉比多 ErrollShand BenjaminScott
剧情简介 : At Maralinga in 1956, atom bombs were not the only things being tested. At the height of the Cold War, the human capacity for loyalty and betrayal were constantly pitted against each other. But not just in terms of espionage. Friend against friend. Lover against lover. Government against its people. If only trust could bloom in an infinite desert. But these are not trusting tim...