2008 /荷兰 /剧情 科幻 惊悚 /90分钟
主演: CarlaHardy CasEnklaar IdsvanderKrieken Armin Scheuten 贾德·奥利伯格 Vincent van Ommen Hans Trentelman Annemarie Prins Ids van der Krieken Carla Hardy 卡斯·恩克拉尔 西格丽德·那拍尔
导演: Digna Sinke
上映时间: 2008-09-19
剧情简介 : Shy, thirteen year old Xenia doesn't feel comfortable in the overly-regulated society she lives in. In search of a place for herself she discovers an island on which time doesn't seem to exist. This is where she finds the key to her future.