1978 /苏联 /喜剧 /79分钟
主演: FrunzikMkrtchyan 伏龙泽克·姆克尔强 Yelena Maksimova Vladimir Pitsek
导演: Dmitri Kesayants
上映时间: 1978-03-11
剧情简介 : 二战时期,一个普通的亚美尼亚士兵接到一个任务,将一头大象从德国运到埃里温动物园。。。故事挺有意思,非一般的战争片,亚美尼亚著名演员Frunzik Mkrtchyan在片中有着出色的表演。 Soldier Armenak is sent on an extraordinary assignment - to bring an elephant from Germany to the Yerevan Zoo. During fierce fighting in Germany in the midst of storming one of the mansions fighters was found ... elephant. Private Armenaku (Mkrtchyan) was ordered to remove the animal f...