1965 /匈牙利 /剧情 /95分钟
主演: 安德拉斯·巴林特 IlonaBéres JuditHalász 考蒂·绍约姆 塞茜莉娅·埃斯泰加约什 BélaAsztalos TamásErss LászlóMurányi IstvánDékány 米克洛什·加博尔 伊姆莱·辛克维奇 JánosRajz 伊斯特万·布依托尔 DorottyaGéczy FrediHaber KárolyKovalik KláraFalvay Ilona Béres Judit Halász István Dékány János Rajz
导演: 伊斯特凡·萨博
上映时间: 1965-02-11
剧情简介 : Jancsi Oláh is in the transitional phase between adolescence and adultness. He is born in 1938, and is now getting his first employment as an electronic engineer. On some TV-screens he happens to see a young lawyer, va Halk, who arrests his attention. In his imagination she is the most interesting woman he ever saw. Jansci is part of a closely knit gang of young engineers. The...